Furniture Fire Safety Labels: A Crucial Element in Home Safety


When shopping for new furniture, most people focus on the style, comfort, and price. It’s easy to overlook important safety considerations, such as fire safety. However, furniture fire safety labels are a crucial element in keeping your home safe from potential fire hazards. In this article, we will delve into the importance of these labels, what they mean, and how they can help prevent fires in your home.

Understanding Furniture Fire Safety Labels

Furniture fire safety labels are small tags or labels attached to furniture pieces, indicating that they meet specific fire safety standards. These labels are typically found on upholstered furniture, mattresses, and bedding products. The labels serve as a reassurance that the item has been tested and complies with flammability regulations, reducing the risk of ignition and slowing the spread of fire.

Types of Furniture Fire Safety Labels

There are a few different types of furniture fire safety labels that you may encounter while shopping for furniture. The most common labels include:

1. TB117-2013: This label indicates that the furniture complies with the California Technical Bulletin 117-2013, a state flammability standard for upholstered furniture. This standard focuses on the resistance of the furniture’s cover fabric to ignition by a small open flame, among other criteria.

2. TB133: This label signifies compliance with a stricter flammability standard, California Technical Bulletin 133, which requires furniture to withstand a much higher intensity and duration of flame exposure.

3. NFPA 701: The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 701 label indicates that the fabric used in the furniture meets a certain standard for flame resistance, particularly for curtains, drapes, and other decorative textiles.

The Importance of Furniture Fire Safety Labels

Fire safety labels on furniture are not just a formality – they play a crucial role in protecting lives and property. According to the National Fire Protection Association, home fires caused by upholstered furniture account for a significant percentage of fire-related deaths and injuries in the United States. Furniture that lacks adequate fire safety measures can quickly ignite and contribute to the rapid spread of flames during a fire emergency.

By choosing furniture with the appropriate fire safety labels, consumers can have confidence that they are investing in products that have undergone rigorous testing to minimize fire risks. This extra layer of protection can make a significant difference in the event of a fire, giving occupants more time to escape and reducing the potential for a small fire to escalate into a catastrophic event.

Ensuring Compliance and Safety

It’s important to note that not all furniture sold in the market meets fire safety standards. Some manufacturers may cut corners in an effort to reduce costs, potentially compromising the safety of their products. As a result, consumers must be diligent in checking for fire safety labels and verifying their authenticity when purchasing new furniture.

In addition to looking for furniture fire safety labels, consumers can also take proactive measures to enhance fire safety in their homes. This includes installing smoke alarms, practicing fire escape plans, and keeping flammable items away from heat sources. Regular maintenance, such as checking electrical wiring and replacing worn-out furniture, can also contribute to a safer living environment.

The Role of Regulations and Standards

In response to the importance of furniture fire safety, various organizations and government agencies have established regulations and standards to address flammability concerns. These regulations set minimum requirements for the fire resistance of upholstered furniture and other related products, helping to ensure that manufacturers adhere to stringent safety measures.

For instance, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) oversees the regulation of flammability standards in upholstered furniture. Manufacturers must comply with CPSC regulations, as well as state-specific standards, before they can label their products as fire-resistant. While these regulations are essential for consumer protection, it’s crucial for individuals to remain informed about the fire safety standards that apply to the furniture they purchase.


In conclusion, furniture fire safety labels are a critical aspect of home safety that should not be overlooked. By understanding the significance of these labels, consumers can make informed choices when selecting furniture for their homes. The presence of fire safety labels provides peace of mind, knowing that the furniture has undergone rigorous testing and meets specific flammability standards.

Ultimately, investing in furniture that bears genuine fire safety labels is an investment in the safety and well-being of your household. By prioritizing fire safety in your furniture purchases and home environment, you can contribute to a safer living space for yourself and your loved ones. Remember, fire prevention starts with the choices you make when choosing furniture for your home.